Aiphone UK has introduced another COVID secure WAVE system for Academy School in Haddington
The purpose to secure the school premises and providing peace of mind to staff, pupils and their parents.
Secondary Academy School located in Haddington (Scotland), has implemented a COVID secure transition for the school entry system, in time with the reopening of schools this September.
For the safety of staff, pupils, parents and our communities to come first, there are many essential things schools must consider doing. One of which is to deny access to infections inside the school premises as much as possible, by allowing only staff and students to enter the entrance gate.
Aiphone’s WAVE system was specified for this very important installation of a Touch free Video entrance station and 2 of GT 7″ indoor monitors for the school receptionist and the safeguarding team. We aim to provide a solid, reliable and easy to use system which can help to secure safety and assist the excellent staff and students in doing their jobs to the best of their ability.

The requirement for the system was to be able to:
- Welcome children back to school in a COVID secure way. Using the motion detection technology, the Touch free calling prevents virus spread which helps keep optimal hand hygiene.
- Smooth school pick ups and drop offs. The GT video door station has a panoramic view using the 170° angle camera which allows staff to confirm visitors with clear audio and video. The staff can then contact the teacher of the pupil to prepare for pick ups while parents remain outside.
- To prevent vandalism, the shell of the stainless steel door station is robust and weather resistant which is capable of hazardous conditions.
It has proved to be popular with installers looking for a cost effective and reliable solution for commercial buildings, education campuses and healthcare environments.
Special thanks to Door Entry Direct, our very knowledgeable distributor for providing an excellent service and helping the customer with their needs.
AiphoneUK are well equipped to meet varied specifications within tenders and also offer a comprehensive training programme to installation companies tasked with commissioning the product, our Technical support team are also on hand with advice if required. Contact them on: 0207 507 6250 Option1 or enquire here